Monday, February 1, 2016

My most memorable Quiz Night

I’ve been to many trivia parties over my years, some enjoyable. Unfortunately, most of them were a let-down. Surprisingly, most people don’t know how to throw a decent quiz night. But there’s always that one, beautiful exception of the lot; the one that surpasses all the other experiences by far. I’ll recount – as best as I can, the tale of what is probably the best quiz night I’ve ever been to.

 Earlier in the week, a couple of friends had informed a bunch of us that they were planning on treating us to a drink and a great evening at a local bar; a real hot spot for the intellectuals at college. This evening was promised to be worth staying up late and spending a great amount of time, drinking our night away. Expectantly excited, I’d canceled plans I’d had earlier and went home to get ready. Later that day, a friend of mine pulled up on his motorcycle to pick me up for the little sortie. Expecting nothing more than a night full of drinking and mindless antics, I’d just hopped on and left my home without much more thought.

 When we pulled up in the parking lot outside the bar, we were all equally surprised. The bar was much classier than we’d expected, I’d even go as far as call it an establishment of comfort. The moment we’d gone in, we were at home. We’d grabbed our seats and wasted no time in ordering our drinks; this was a first for us all.

 So, by now, we’d been having a few drinks and a few laughs. Every now and then a waiter would walk around, delivering envelopes to tables. We had no clue as to what was going on, so we pulled a waiter aside and inquired as to what was going on. Informingly, he told us that it was a little night event that they had; every ten minutes or so, a set of questions would be delivered to a table and they’d have ten minutes to solve the puzzles on that little piece of paper. I, for one, loved this; being a fan of good bar trivia nights, I jumped at the opportunity to ask him if we could join in and find out what the prize was.

 Now we were set. The rules were simple; each person participating would be assigned to one of the other tables that were participating. Every time a table won a round, that table would be given a free round of drinks! It was great, but the competition was really stiff. For being a bunch of strangers, we as well as the other teams were working really well together. Our table had won 3 rounds in total that night, qualifying us for the final round. The final round had a bit more risk to it; each member would need to place a fixed amount of money into a pool to enter. This round was an ‘every person for themselves’ styled round. The winner would walk away with half of the entire pool as well as 50% off their next bill.

 The prize was extremely tempting and I’d already spent several hours in the competition to back out now. I dropped my cash in, pulled up a chair and signaled the host that I was ready. He’d brought out an unbelievably large sheet and handed it to me, stating that I’d only have 5 minutes to complete the whole thing. To my relief, it was a multiple choice quiz. Gearing down and zoning into the quiz, I began to frantically tick away at the boxes as soon as the timer bell chimed. The questions were challenging, although some seemed rather easy. When I was fairly certain and confident that I’d not left anything out, I stood up to turn my quiz in – just in time as well, the bell and gone off.

 A few minutes later, the results were in. With my hopes set high, I listened carefully to the host announcing the winner. After a few seconds of buildup that seemed to last minutes, he announced the name. I hadn’t won! It was close, with the winner getting a perfect score! Unfortunately, there were no prizes for 3rd place. Alas, I didn’t win, but the night definitely did take a turn for the better and I had a wonderful time along with it! My friends and I have now made the spot a weekly regular and one day, 

I might just win that pool.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The 10 Most Popular Topics in Trivia Games

There’s hardly a game more engaging and universally appealing then Trivia. It is enjoyed by people of all ages, backgrounds and can be played in virtually any setting. There are no boards, cards, etc. required - just a group of people. Plus, the rules can be altered to your liking, as long as the concept remains the same. Considering all of these aspects, it’s no wonder why the game is still among the most beloved recreational activities in history. However, hosting a memorable Trivia game is a challenging and highly involved task.
The key is thorough preparation. If you want to organize a successful Trivia event, the first thing you want to make sure of is that you choose the right question categories. And the only sure way to do that is picking from the most widely-enjoyed subjects - ones that have proven to work time and time again. Here are the 10 most popular Trivia topics of all time:

1.     Brands

There are a few ways to angle this topic for Trivia. Using visuals as clues, such as logo’s or brand mascots, always gets people engaged. As long as a brand isn’t too obvious or completely unknown, most people will have seen it’s logo at some point. Another time-tested method is describing the events of a commercial in an “alternate” fashion. For example, the clue is “A group of sadistic, unsupervised children continually starve their pet rabbit and turn violent each time he tries to eat ” and the answer is Trix Yogurt.

2.     Celebrities

Celebrity-related questions are popular due to the way they encourage teams to really collaborate and just talk among each other. Because no one is clueless about the subject, yet there are no real experts on it either, teams need to exchange information before deciding on an answer.

3.     Pop Culture

Though it’s a rather wide question category, pop culture is also one of the most popular. To make this interesting, answers should be relatively well-known, while the questions are misleading. With the right questions, pop culture can be the best way to break the ice and get everyone engaged. The goal is to have people think “wow, I knew that!” and become more involved in the game. A great way to do that is ask a question that contains the answer. For example, if the question is “Which member of the Beatles released a solo album after John Lennon left the band in 1969?”, the answer is sure to catch most people by surprise, unless everyone is already holding their breath in excitement (in which case, it’s time for more difficult topics.)

4.     Geography

This one can also be played using visuals. All it takes is a projector, a large TV screen or just some cardboard cutouts shaped like countries. The questions could range from naming the country or its capital, to counting the number of seas/oceans within its borders. For the bonus round, the teams can take turns naming the nations it borders.

5.     Music

This is a topic that should be divided into genre-based sections, giving each player the chance to answer questions about their own favorite music. To lighten the mood, the host can recite lyrics instead of clues, preferably quoting rap lyrics in a Shakespearean manner and singing 80’s rock songs to the ABC’s Song tune or perhaps Dora the Explorer’s theme song. You get the idea.

6.     The Movies

Anyone who has ever watched an episode of Jeopardy knows film is a popular category. Everyone likes movies and many (if not most) people are self-proclaimed experts on the subject.

7.     History

We’ve all studied it at some point, so history is one of the few Trivia topics that don’t need to contain simple answers. Chances are, out of 10 people, one will remember any given high-school or college level history fact, regardless of how obscure it is.

8.     General Knowledge

Somehow, “general” is among the favorite categories in Trivia. The topic implies unclassified questions, which are most often related to fashion and trends. If all the players share a town neighborhood or office, the host would be wise to fill the general knowledge category with related questions.

9.     Science

The fact that science is a highly used Trivia topic doesn’t mean that it’s a good one to use for any occasion. That being said, by giving the category an appropriate twist, the host can end up with some killer questions. So, a family-friendly setting may be perfect for subjects like Animal Science or Nutrition, while Chemistry and Anatomy questions might work better at a local pub’s Trivia night.

10.  Technology

Science doesn’t include Trivia questions about technology because the answers are most often brands, models or inventor names. This is a category that quickly rose to the top 5 when the Internet became the world’s most talked-about subject.

Finally I'd like to recommend you this website about quiz questions. I found it has great resources for free and other paid stuff that looks interesting.

Check it out and let me know in the comments what you think.


Saturday, October 10, 2015

Pub Quiz Prizes Ideas

Probably you want to organize a quiz competition and have no idea what should the winner team receive as a prize. Prizes are very important to get the attendants more interested and motivated. The prize is many times the reason of why people assist to a quiz and in occasion it is an incentive to make them come back. 

The value of the prize you will offer will be established for the number of people attending and you should also take into account the purpose of the quiz at the time of selecting prizes. If the event is massive of course you should offer a big prize, but in general, pub quizzes are not too big events so the following tips will probably help you making your prize selection.

1.      Prizes should not be really elaborate. The prizes are an incentive, not a salary. If the prize is too big, people will have a more competitive attitude and in some cases this ruins the ambiance. While your incomes for the event (whatever it is about) are good, the prize could be also good, but it is not necessary to exaggerate.

2.      You should have more than 1 prize. The most of pub quizzes not only recognize the winner but also the one who answers the quicker, the best team name, or the winner of just one category or level of difficulty. So I would suggest you to have multiple little prizes to amuse and reward creativity and attitude.

3.      If the prize is money, you can give one amount for the winner team and they will probably distribute it among the members, but if it is not money, you should unless buy one prize for each member. It could be something really simple; a beer glass or a shooter, for example.

4.      Entry tickets shouldn’t be expensive. If the entry amount is big people is going to wait for a really good prize, so better keep the entrance cheap and you probably will also have a more numerous attendance to the event.

5.      People would rather goodies or money than objects they won’t use. Try not to spend money in objects of your personal appreciation that could be seen as useless stuff by the others. You should better give money or objects you know whoever is going to find nice.

6.      Take into account what kind of people is going to attend the quiz, so you could illustrate you a little more about what could be nice or useful for them. Adults in a pub would probably be happier with free beers or some extra money. I think in general key chains or cup holders could be well received items.

7.     Some other ideas for prizes are: Plastic mugs with fun inscriptions, movie/theater/concert tickets, free dinner vouchers, A full day off (or night, in a bar, for example), plastic trophies with the “I am a quiz winner” inscription, magazine subscriptions, a general culture magazine or book, boxes of chocolate or candies, gift cards, mouse pads, posters from the event, flavored candles or lip balms, magnets, calendars, cup markers, mini diaries, pen sets, a wine bottle, Sudoku books, caps or t-shirts with the event or bar name printed in.

I hope this tips will be useful for you. But also remember some of the most pub quizzes attendants just want to have fun and are not considering receiving big prizes for playing. Sometimes more is less and the most important is to offer excellent quality questions to obtain a real fun pub quiz competition.

Monday, October 5, 2015

5 things you need to know about Trivia Nights

Many people are familiar with Trivia Nights, but if you have never participated in one, many questions start to come up. Today I will reveal 5 things you need to know before participating or organizing a Quiz Night.

If that's sounds like interesting for you, read on!

Origins of pub quizzes

Pub quizzes stem from the UK, from the end of the 1970s and remain a hugely popular entertainment type to date. The specific thing about these types of quizzes is that players form teams which then answer to questions related to general knowledge, sports, science, art etc. These quizzes are most popular in Europe, but their popularity is also spreading to the USA and other parts of the world. The biggest pub quiz ever was hosted in Belgium in 2010. It had over 2000 participants.

A typical Irish Village

How to participate

To participate in a pub quiz, one must assemble a team. Your team should consist of experts in different fields. The quiz itself is made up of classic questions, multimedia, music, or abstract tasks. Teams collect points and the team who ends up having the most points wins rewards. Rewards are usually in cash or in bar coupons. Also, a team can be proclaimed quiz champions if they keep first place at the end of the season.
The point of these quizzes is to have fun and hang out, but also to popularize knowledge.
After you assemble a team, you can participate in a pub quiz. The minimum amount of members varies depending on the pub where you're playing, however, most pubs require at least two people to assemble a team. Don't worry if you never participated in a pub quiz, because after your first pub quiz night, you'll become crazy about this type of entertainment.

Who are the quizmaster

Quizmaster is usually a term that refers to the person hosting the quiz or the organizer. It shouldn't be mistaken for 'quiz master' – someone good at quizzes, because everyone mostly avoids this term to avoid ambiguity.
In most pubs, quizmasters change from one week to another, while some pub quizzes are most frequently hosted by pub landlords. After you have been participating for a while, you might host your own pub quiz. Just ask the landlord or whoever is in charge of trivia nights if you and your team can be quizmasters.

How to host a quiz night

After the landlord gives you and your team a green light, you can start preparing your own quiz. First, remember all the things that you didn't like about previous quizzes or something people were complaining about. Maybe it was too short, too long, too specific, too general? Try to learn from the mistakes of others and avoid doing similar things when hosting a quiz.
Secondly, remember all the things that you enjoy about trivia nights and try to incorporate them into your own quiz. You can even google for ideas. Just make sure your quiz ends up as an original, fun event.

What to ask?

The most important part is figuring out the questions. For most quizzes you will have to come up with a fair amount of questions so you and your team should put some work into it. Every team member will probably have a different idea about what the questions should look like, but try to be democratic and incorporate everyone's ideas into the quiz. Most importantly, try not to keep your questions too easy, but also don't make them too complicated. Also, don't phrase questions in an ambiguous or complicated manner.

This can't be stressed enough: although pub quizzes are superfun for teams that are competing, they should also be entertaining for the quizmasters! Don't get stressed, enjoy the night with your friends and share your passion for knowledge with other quiz-colleagues. If your quiz turns out to be a hit, you may even become a frequent quizmaster at your local pub.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Tips for Running Quizzes

When you want to start organizing pub quizzes you should try and follow some simple tips and tricks. In order to make it a successful quiz you don’t need many preparations, but it should meet some basic requirements. Here I have a list of some details that I recommend you to use in your organization based on my experience. You want your pub to become famous and more and more people to be present on every next quiz night.


You should be consistent in the quiz. It means that you should hold it on regular nights at the same hour. You should always use the same fee, regardless the popularity the quiz gets. The number of team members should be limited. You should also think of some game structure. The longitude of the quiz should be constructed in a similar way on every quiz-night.


You should come up with a marketing plan in order to promote your quiz. You can always go the easy way, print out some posters and stick them all around the neighborhood. Adding to this, you can always do a free marketing online. Use social media to share the news. Create a web page for your bar, or just a regular Facebook page and update your status. Tell people about the upcoming quiz night. You can even make an online registration pool.

Team management

Always go with the team version of quiz instead of the individual one. Team game makes it more social and funny. You should try to limit the number of people in one team. Make a minimum and a maximum number of team members. The appropriate amount of people should be from two to ten. If you exceed the number of teammates it might become chaotic. But anyway, you should always be flexible.

Entry fee

You should put a modest entry fee. Not too expensive. People won’t participate if it is too expensive. You might also attract “professional” quiz players and your regular customers will be bored. With a high price, you might ruin the fun for everyone. The price for the winners should also be modest. If you put a high reward, you might encourage cheating. With an entrance fee of 1$, your price should be in the range of 50$. A good alternative is giving food or drinks instead of regular money. Nobody plays for the cash, it is always the fun.


You should definitely pay attention to picking the perfect quizmaster. He or she should be a fun, charismatic person. The quizmaster should be able to preserve the attention of the people. He should be loud and read the questions at least two times. He needs to have the ability to oversee the situation and to be able to tell a joke in the perfect moment. The is the master, and he tells the rules. The right answer is on his sheet. If the quiz lasts two hours, he should make a 10-minute break in the middle.


There should be a good range of questions, from a variety of subjects. You can use questions from science, history, art, geography, sports, celebrities, movies, songs or some other facts. Balance the questions. You don’t want the quiz to be either too hard or too easy. You should make about 20% hard questions, 30% easy questions, and the rest of them, normal ones. Put in a good number of fun questions, because that is the purpose of the quiz. You can always download free examples of questions. Always be prepared to have a tie-breaker questions. Do not leave out anything by chance. 

I hope these tips are useful for you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Getting started...

Introducing myself

Hi everyone,

Sally here, an Irish girl who is crazy about quizzes. 
It all started with my father. He used to be a QuizMaster and I used to go with him to different pubs and observe how he was managing trivia nights. It was pretty cool! Different teams, questions, answers, people getting exciting or frustrated, drinks, lots of laughs ... and some prizes at the end.

I have been a QuizMaster myself a few times but is not something you can do full time or forever... It is more like an entertainment. I personally enjoy more to be part of one of the teams and try to get as many correct answers as possible! It is so cool when you win! You feel smart and extremely happy. You wanna tell everyone! :)

See below picture from one of my favorite pubs in Galway:

In this blog I will be covering different topics related to quizzes and the culture around them. 
I will share some tips on how my father used to organize trivia nights and also some of my favorites questions and answers. I personally enjoy topics like nature, animals, travel and fun facts. Not a huge fan of sports or history ... 

Anyhow, I hope to see you around here!

Sally xx